‪(317) 361-5417 dta@leadstra.com

Client Spotlight: Morning Light

One of the best parts of working at Leadstra is our clients. We work exclusively with small businesses. These people do things that matter and are measured far beyond a balance sheet. They live their passion and work so hard to make a difference. For the last several...

How Do You Find New Customers?

Finding New Customers: Does Strategy Matter?An old sales coach of mine once said ‘You don’t have to like making cold calls, you just have to make them!’ For some old school sales pros, strategy is for losers. The key is activity, activity, and more...

Credibility May Be the Wrong Question

The key to becoming an influencer is not to just be taken seriously. Credibility is important as you build influence, but only part of the equation. You must also create value. And value is subjective. It is based on your audience.Baseball is a game that is loved by...

What Does the World Need to Hear from You?

Your Message Matters We all send messages out into the world every day. Our lives are full of emails, tweets, proposals, presentations. But what does the world REALLY want to hear from you? This is a question we ask in our training all the time. It often results in...

What is Your Legacy

When my dad was 63, he left a career of 35 years for this crazy concept of ‘retirement’. His generation typically worked for the same organization most of their adult lives. They saved money, raised a family, and then as the magical age of 65 arrived, were given a...