‪(317) 361-5417 dta@leadstra.com

How Do You Find New Customers?

Finding New Customers: Does Strategy Matter?An old sales coach of mine once said ‘You don’t have to like making cold calls, you just have to make them!’ For some old school sales pros, strategy is for losers. The key is activity, activity, and more...

The Challenge of Preconceived Notions

Everyone has a community of followers.  Some are active admirers.  Some are passive acquaintances.  Some are people we’ve met in the past and then lost touch.  Some are friends of friends.  But all share the common element of knowing us, me (or you). The natural...

Understanding Lead Conversion

What is a Lead? That is such a simple question, but has a very challenging answer.  A lead can be anyone with interest in what you do who connects with you.  It can be a website visitor who shows up by searching for a keyword.  It can be someone who saw your...

Connecting Effectively

Making cold connections is a challenge.  Getting prospects to notice you and engage with your marketing efforts requires skill and strategy.  Dave gives a couple of tips on connecting effectively.  He discusses the idea of a Lead Magnet and a Trip Wire.  Does your...

Effective Spam

In Internet Marketing, Spam is a dirty word.  But let’s be honest, the concept of spam – unwanted commercial intrusions – has been the basis for mass media viability for centuries.  Shifting the costs of producing and distributing information from...

How vs. Why

Be honest now, what does your sales pitch sound like?  Do you spend most of your time demonstrating how your product or service works?  Do you discuss features as if that shiny button has the ability to transform your customer’s world?  Are the results of those...