‪(317) 361-5417 dta@leadstra.com

One of the best parts of working at Leadstra is our clients. We work exclusively with small businesses. These people do things that matter and are measured far beyond a balance sheet. They live their passion and work so hard to make a difference. For the last several years we’ve been honored to work with a group called Morning Light. Morning Light is responsible for managing and supporting the Abbie Hunt Bryce Home. This is a special place dedicated to providing hospice care for people with limited or no means. These are the most frail amongst us at the toughest time in their lives.

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The 2019 Beach Ball

To raise funds, Morning Light hosts an event called the Beach Ball. It is the most fun you can have in swim attire in Indiana in early March. This year the event raised record funds of over $70,000! Hosted by Julie Patterson and party host Dean Metcalf, the event was a blast. Dean’s band ‘The Tempos’ entertained in between costume contests, a fund raising extravaganza that renamed each month of the year, and an incredible silent auction. In the end, over $70,000 were raised to help run the home.

Leadstra was on hand to not only play the video we helped create, but to also help with the audiovisual support. Our livestream team recorded the festivities as well as provided large screen video so that everyone could enjoy what was going on. We had a blast and look forward to doing it again (hopefully many more times).

I would encourage any of you who have not heard of Morning Light or the Abbie Hunt Bryce Home to consider supporting them. You can click here to visit their website.

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