‪(317) 361-5417 dta@leadstra.com

I always wanted to be a Rock Star.  Surely it must be easy, right?  It seems so effortless, so much fun.  Riding on tour buses, playing guitar, partying all day and night.  Anyone can do that.  Right?

And yet, while there are many ‘Rock Stars’ – those who we embrace as heroes when they entertain and inspire us – there are legions of others who never reach the pinnacle.  Phenomenal talents who are overlooked for the ‘flavor of the day’.  So what makes a Rock Star?

A Rock Star – whether a musical talent or similarly famous person – is developed when a messenger meets a community ready to embrace it.  The message must stir passion and the messenger must be willing to tap that emotion and grow the audience.  In the music business, this process can be fickle:  witness the large number of ‘one hit wonders’ that litter popular culture.  But it can also generate a loyalty from the fan base that delivers success well past the performer’s prime.  Witness the large number of music groups from the 70’s and 80’s who are still touring to sold out shows some 30 years after their last hit record.

In business, the same model is required:  The message must stir the audience to action, the messenger must persist with dogged determination, and the payoff is a loyal community that buys your products and recommends you to others.  But to be a ‘Rock Star’ – in business or in music – you need to be willing to pay your dues; develop the content that others want, engage with your community, and introduce yourself to others who are like-minded.  If you do this, and the stars align, you can become a Rock Star.

Before and after the pinnacle of stardom, most business people who follow this model are known as Thought Leaders and Influencers.  The difference is really a matter of degree.

An Influencer is one who has a passion and becomes an advocate for that passion.  They become and expert and are recognized as such.  In business, we call these folks Subject Matter Experts, Teachers, or Boss.  Influencers not only enjoy their expertise, but also have a passion for sharing.  Often times they become well known for their passion and eagerness to share.

As an Influencer gains notoriety, they begin to create a community – a group of followers who enjoy the wisdom being shared.  When the Influencer decides to grow and nurture this community, he/she becomes a Thought Leader.  As a thought leader, careful steps are taken to develop and deliver content.  Connections with others in the field are developed so that the thought leader provides a ‘platform’ for spreading their passion and expertise.  In many cases, this leads to sales or the ability to monetize the Thought Leader’s efforts.

And finally, when the cause and the community grow to huge levels of success, we look at the Thought Leader as a Rock Star.


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