‪(317) 361-5417 dta@leadstra.com

So you think Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the answer for growing your business to the next level?  Your marketing buddy told you that spending hours to pick out the right keywords would make your business explode, so how much time did that cost you?  I’ll knock off my passive-aggressive tone, but for many small businesses, SEO is sold as the magic bullet for Internet marketing success.  In some cases it is, but I challenge you to take my test and see if the money you’re spending chasing clicks may be an exercise in mumbling at strangers.

What is the conversion rate of your website?

You know, how many sales do you make per visitor?  If you don’t know this number down to the percentage point, SEO is probably premature.  Web traffic is only a benefit if it helps create customers or builds your brand.  To do that, you need to have an engagement strategy.  You then can track conversion which will tell you how effective your messages and strategy are doing.  This is step 1 to successful marketing on the Internet.

Who is the ideal target for your business and what keywords to they respond to?

“We’ll get you on page one of google and bing.” is the promise most business owners hear being pitched SEO.  If that promise isn’t accompanied by a commitment to deliver those people who are ideal customers and ready to buy, then you may be making a huge mistake.  Traffic is only valuable if it converts to leads or sales.  Visitors only convert if they see a need to buy.  Just because you rank high for a keyword or phrase doesn’t mean that your customers are using those terms to find you.  Make sure your traffic is aligned with you target audience.

Is your website ready to engage your visitors?

Most all businesses have a website.  Many even have some sort of connection with social media outlets such as Facebook, Pinterest, Linked In, Twitter, etc.  But how effective is your website at engaging visitors?  What are you doing to make the people who show up on your site part of a bigger community?  If they ‘like’ you on Facebook, do you respond to them?  Do you offer free information in exchange for an opt in to your newsletter?  Do you even have a newsletter?  Can people easily comment on your content?  If so, do they comment on a regular basis?  Getting your Internet marketing strategy set to engage all visitors is the best way to create a community that will support your business.

What do your visitors want to know before deciding to buy from you?

It is difficult to make someone buy something if they don’t understand they really need it.  If you’re selling a product that is known and desired by all, SEO is your answer.  Get people to your site, offer the best pricing, and ring up the orders.  On the other hand, if people need to better understand how you can help them before purchasing, you have some work to do.  Frequently asked questions, testimonials, product demonstrations all help answer the questions your visitors may have.  But again, if you’re handing that information out without any engagement, how do you follow up?

If any of these questions have you scratching your head, don’t be upset.  Your normal.  However, before you spend a huge chunk of your marketing budget on SEO, find ways to make your site more engaging to visitors.  Use your current traffic and network of contacts to test your strategy.  Once you’ve got the strategy set, then you can look at SEO and other traffic driving tactics to really grow your business.

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