‪(317) 361-5417 dta@leadstra.com

When my dad was 63, he left a career of 35 years for this crazy concept of ‘retirement’. His generation typically worked for the same organization most of their adult lives. They saved money, raised a family, and then as the magical age of 65 arrived, were given a gold watch, a nice party, and a fond ‘fare well’.

My dad at his birthday party

Dad at his 86th birthday

My dad turned 86 the other day, so that was some time ago and the concept of ‘retirement’ has changed since then. Still, for many, retirement is a magical date on some unknown calendar that means you’ll pack up your belongings, leave your job behind, and head out into a brave new world.

I realized the other day that my dad didn’t really retire all those years ago. He just started working for someone else. In his case, himself. My dad has always been a very competent money manager and he took himself on as a client. He’s done a great job managing his assets so that his ‘retirement’ has been comfortable. But let’s be clear, he has worked. In fact, he’s worked very hard but (for the most part) loved every minute of it. I think that’s incredible! I’m also very thankful for the legacy he’s built through his hard work, er… retirement.

So, what is your story? Is there something in your life that is a passion? Something you are good at that you would like to share with the world? Some skills you’d love to use and help others? The real question is, how do you start? How can you turn your passion into a Leadership Legacy?

It’s easy enough to Google blogging or post some pictures on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest. If you are media savvy, you can start vlogging or even create a podcast. But what then? How do you turn your experience, your intellectual capital, your passion into a sustainable program that can be your job for as long as you want it? Something that will one day become your legacy?

Let us help you.

Our program has 3 elements:

  1. Find Your Tribe – let us help you figure out what your passion is and how to share it. We’ll demystify the process of becoming a thought leader and help you figure out if this is for you.
  2. Feed Your Tribe – the key to creating a successful Leadership Legacy is building structure that allows you to effectively share your passion and expertise. We’ll help you figure out the elements you need and then put them in place.
  3. Thrive with Your Tribe – the final step is making your efforts sustainable. This requires a business model that helps you pay the bills and make the investments necessary to thrive. We’ve built an expertise in this area and are excited to show you how it can work for you.

What’s next?

Schedule a free consultation with our Legacy Mentor. We’re excited to hear about your passion, answer any questions you might have, and discuss the next best steps to take.

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